
Category: Addiction

Addiction can affect anyone. We often associate addicts and alcoholics with those living on the streets, but in reality, drug and alcohol addiction can affect anyone. At Duffy’s we recognize the reality that your addiction has become a disease in your life and needs to be treated. Therefore, we embrace the medical model that your addiction is a disease, and we use the social model—which includes education, counseling, and peer support—to treat it. The following blog posts and articles are designed to help you to better understand the disease of addiction.

What Is Alcoholics Anonymous All About?

Recently, I heard someone say, “AA is nothing but a cult.” Honestly, I had similar reservations when I went to my first meeting. Several AA (Alcoholics Anonymous) fellows introduced themselves prior to the start of that session and after a bit, I asked, “Is this like—you know, like a cult?” AA—A Fellowship One woman laughed … Read More

I Write This with over 20 Years of Sobriety

[Dedicated to C. Greaves, counselor, who could confidentially say, “I tell people what they already know, but have hidden from themselves.”] As a young adolescent, I found myself to be the class joke. Overweight, awkward, tall and acne-ridden, I was prime material for that role. I suppose one could speculate that my classmates chose me … Read More

What I Learned about Listening from AA

“Constantly talking isn’t necessarily communicating.” –Charlie Kaufman We communicate in many ways. We use touch to say unspoken words. Our eyes are the “windows to the world” and our bodies turn and gesture in an intricate dance of conveyance. Addiction found me sorely wrapped up in myself and my conversation topics followed suit—I talked about … Read More

Learn From Your Mistakes

Quotes and phrases are something I return to often for reassurance and comfort in my recovery. It’s difficult to choose a favorite, but towards the top of my list is Albert Einstein’s definition of insanity: “The definition of insanity is, doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” This quote really resonates … Read More