
Category: Holiday

Getting through the holidays can be difficult–and they happen over and over again. . .Christmas, New Years, Fourth of July, etc. What can you do to stay sober? How can you avoid substance abuse and still enjoy the holiday? Below are a collection of blog posts and articles designed to help you survive (and enjoy!) the holidays while in recovery.

Learn more by reading the Duffy’s Rehab blog. Alcohol-Free Weekend: The Alcohol Awareness Month Challenge.

If you’ve been in recovery for many years, your attitude towards holidays has probably changed a lot since your first years sober.  At first maybe you worried about how to just get through the holidays sober. But now, with so many sober turkeys under your belt, you’re the one giving the advice. Sure, you still have … Read More

Facing the Challenges of Thanksgiving Day: Wisdom from Twitter

Alcoholism: A Three-Fold Disease I once heard someone say in a meeting, “Alcoholism is a three-fold disease: Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s.” And for newbies in recovery, that pretty much sums up how we feel about the disease of addiction—especially at this time of year. Why? Because holidays are a mixed bag of conflicting emotions and desires. … Read More

Celebrate Recovery Month with Us

As you may have heard, September is Recovery Month. And if there’s one thing we’re excited about celebrating for a whole month, it’s recovery. Why We Celebrate Why? Well because, without recovery, life is pretty bleak. Without recovery, we are still reeling in addiction. Without recovery, we don’t know the joys of sobriety. Without recovery, just continuing … Read More