Despite its name being synonymous as the date rape drug, Rohypnol, is abused for other reasons as well. Rohypnol, also known as Flunitrazepam, is a sedative drug that is illegal in the United States. Because its effects are similar to alcohol, people may use Rohypnol for the same reasons they drink alcohol. But drugs are deceptive and believing a few lies can get you into a lot of trouble.
Myth #1: It’s cheap
The number one reason young people buy Rohypnol is that it is cheaper than most other drugs. A Rohypnol pill usually costs about $5–compare that to the $40 or so you would pay for MDMA or other party drugs.Just because it’s cheap doesn’t mean it’s worth your money. Like any other addictive drug, the long-term effects of Rohypnol are not even worth the try.
Save yourself the five dollars. Go buy some lunch.
Myth #2: It’s safe
Rohypnol looks safe. It comes in these pre-sealed plastic bubble packs and looks like a legal prescription drug. They’re even produced by a large, well-known pharmaceutical company. And it’s actually legal in 60 other countries. Seems pretty safe to me.
But it’s actually not.
Consider: OxyContin (an opioid painkiller) comes in an actual bottle with a real label, is legally produced inside the United States—and is one of the most commonly abused prescription drugs today. As a matter of fact, all prescription drugs have safe medical effects, yet prescription drugs are the becoming the most heavily abused substance across the country.
Don’t buy into the argument that just because it has safe medical purposes means it is safe.
Myth #3: They’ll never know
Many people think that Rohypnol use cannot be detected, so they have no fear of being caught. On the contrary, flunitrazepam can be easily detected in urine for up to 72 hours after taking it.
Consider the Risks
The consequences: up to 20 years in Prison
Due to the prevalence of reports of rape and robbery associated with the drug, Congress passed the Drug-Induced Rape and Prevention and Punishment Act of 1996, which states that
- Giving someone an illegal drug with the intent to commit a crime results in an imprisonment of a maximum of 20 years.
- The simple possession of Rohypnol imposes an imprisonment of 3 years.
- To cause injury or death by giving Rohypnol leads to a minimum of 20 years imprisonment.
- The import or export of Rohypnol imposes a maximum of 20 years imprisonment.
The long-term effects are life-changing.
And not in a good way. Rohypnol use can lead to
- Addiction
- Depression
- Impaired mental functioning
Rohypnol is a drug with a deceptive profile of safety, serious consequences, and life-changing risks. Don’t buy into the myths. Recognize the truth and protect yourself—and those you care about—from the effects Rohypnol.