Question: How successful is A.A. (Alcoholics Anonymous)?
Answer: Nobody really knows for sure–mostly because it is by nature anonymous and not formally organized–therefore, it is practically impossible to obtain accurate and reliable data. However, that doesn’t mean scientists and researchers don’t try. And depending on which article you read, the numbers are all different.
Success Rates of A.A.
A 2007 survey done of A.A. showed that 69% were sober for longer than 1 year:
- 33% of members said they’d been consistently sober for more than 10 years
- 12% were sober 5-10 years
- 24% were sober for 1-5 years, and
- 31% were sober for less than one year
Some addiction specialists say the numbers are closer to 8-12% for sobriety by members after the first year.
However, there are also factors that can significantly boost success rates, such as having a sponsor.
“A.A. is most effective when a sponsor is an integral part of the recovery process. A sponsor acts as a guide through the challenging process of self-examination and helps the recovering alcoholic navigate the landscape of recovery by sharing their experience, strength and hope.” — Jennifer, clinical director at Duffy’s
Making A.A. a Way of Life
A.A. tends to be more effective when it becomes a way of life. One of the best ways to make the 12-step philosophy a way of life is to attend a residential treatment center, like Duffy’s, that equips you with tools and opportunities to integrate the 12 steps into your recovery. Like all interventions, A.A. is best utilized when the philosophy with other treatment programs, such as residential rehab, cognitive behavioral therapy, education sessions, and counselling–all of which are offered at Duffy’s. Generally, any program is only as good as it is rigorously applied and implemented, so the more opportunities you have to make these steps a habit, the better. The 12 steps are not a magical set of rules you take one night and wake up the next day sober. It is a daily process. But it does get easier the longer you do it.
Duffy’s hosts open A.A. meetings on our grounds every week, and we also have aftercare meetings available for former guests to give them a support group during recovery.
But A.A. is never effective if you never get started. . . get started in A.A. today by coming to Duffy’s. What do you have to lose?
This blog post is part of our Commonly Asked Question series. Each post attempts to answer commonly asked questions about addiction, drugs, alcohol, recovery, and treatment.