We recently asked some of our friends on our Facebook page what tips they had for navigating the holiday season as a newly sober person.
Thanks for all the responses!
“Bring your OWN car to any gathering , so if things get uncomfortable you can leave.” – Tom
Attend Alkathons and to surround yourself with sober people and your sponsor. –Nick
Reach out to fellow sober peopleGo to as many meetings as you canStay away from parties where substances are being consumed or take a sober friend with a lot of clean time if you absolutely feel you can’t avoid an event. If you feel shaky, leave.There are meetings going on 24 hours a day over the holidays.Call your sponsor, use your phone listPray, pray, pray and pray some moreAvoid being alone.If you have any delusion that just one drink, pill, line, hit or fix won’t hurt you, remember that is your disease talking. Remember you have a higher power and that you do not have to do this alone!Oh, yeah – one more thing – it gets easier, one minute, one hour, one day at a time. Seriously, if you just don’t put that first substance in your body, you will stay sober. Love and peace to you – just asking for tips shows you’re in the right place. –Patricia
Do you have a suggestion? Add your comments below.