Sample Intervention Letter

During an intervention, each of you team members will read his or her letter to the loved one struggling with addiction. It’s these letters that lovingly present reality and move the loved one to enter treatment. Letters also prevent you from forgetting details or succumbing to emotional outbursts. In essence, letters are the intervention. During your preparation for an intervention, you will learn how to write a successful intervention letter, but here is a sample letter to help you craft an inspiring and encouraging letter for your loved one.

Sample Intervention Letter - How to Get Someone into Rehab

Dear Dad,

I’m sitting here today because you are more important to me than I can ever express. I cannot imagine a better daddy in this world. You are my rock, my inspiration, my encouragement. More important, you have shaped me into the person I am today. I love you, Dad.

I still remember the time I was five and you held me during that big thunderstorm, telling me about how the rain makes a rainbow. You’ve always been the one I go to for comfort and advice, the one I know I can rely on no matter what. You’ve taught me so many things: how to play football, how to love my enemies, and what real courage was.

I have always looked forward to coming home for the holidays just to see the new crazy decorating idea you came up with this year—and to hear the latest worst joke of the season. You made Christmas so much fun; your smile was the highlight of my holiday.

But this past year, the thought of coming home churns my stomach with worry. Worry about the condition I’d find you in, worry about what to expect. Sometimes when you don’t drink for a long time, I can pretend that you don’t suffer from this disease and just remember the good times—but I can’t ignore it any longer.

During spring break, when I called the house, I could tell you have been drinking again. Your voice was slurred, and I could hear you stumble around.

This past Tuesday, I came home late from work and heard you drinking in the basement. I it was you, but I didn’t want to embarrass you. I made a lot of noise so you knew I was coming and could hide the beer.

Last weekend when I brought a couple of friends over, you insisted on making us all the perfect cocktail. I tried to convince you we didn’t need any, but you got so mad that I backed off.  When you finally appeared from the kitchen, you knocked over an end table and two picture frames on your way to the sitting room. By the time my friends left, you had passed out on the couch. I was so scared and so worried.

This is changing you dad; you’re not the same anymore. I’ve learned a lot about alcoholism and addiction in my classes, and I know it’s a disease. But there’s help, if you will only accept it. Please don’t let this disease hurt you or your family any longer.

I love you so much Daddy, and I need you in my life. I want you to be there when I graduate next year, and I need you for so many other things. More than anything, I want you to get better, and rehab can help you recover. Won’t you please accept this treatment today?


Your daughter Claire

The Intervention Guide

We have compiled a FREE intervention guide to help you stage a successful intervention and help your loved one. Download the Intervention Guide now.


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Hi, my name is Linda. In 1992 it was the biggest day of my life. Why? That was the day I entered Mr. Duffy’s house, I had a choice to live or die. I chose to live.

– A former guest